S25 Jingyuan to Huating Highway (Ningxia- Gansu Boarder) is a component part of the nine link of"Three ring, eight shooting and nine link", it is the part of Gansu Huating passes Jingyuan to Gansu Jingning, and realizes the interconnection between Gansu Huating and Gansu Jingning by connecting with G22. The starting point of The S25 Jingyuan to Huating highway is connected at Fuyin Expressway G70 and Qinglan Expressway G22, and the end point is connected with Jingyuan to Huating (S11), a planned provincial highway in Gansu Province.The highway is designed as per two-way four-lane highway standard. First-graded highway standard is applied for traffic load.
Our company undertakes the construction of the A2 contract.