Ningxia Communications Construction Co., Ltd
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NXCC participated in Fourth China-Arab States Expo
发布时间:2021-04-22 17:50:42
On September 5th, opening ceremony of the fourth China-Arab States Expo was held in Yinchuan of Ningxia.
In order to further strengthen communication, collaboration and policy interface, continuously improve market competiveness of the company, hold joint discussion of collaboration, share resource advantages, seek for communication development and jointly push forward communication and cooperation of construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure, the company actively participated in Fourth China-Arab States Expo.
Chairman of the Board Mr.ZhangZhitao, Board director and General Manager Mr.ZhouXingwu, Chairman of Supervisory Committee Mr.LiuZhongyuan , Board Director Mr.XuChangyou, Board Director and Deputy General Manager Mr.YangQun and Board Director Mr.Wang Xiaobo attended the conference.
During Investment and Capacity Cooperation Conference of this Chia-Arab States Expo, on behalf of the company, Board Director Mr.Wang Xiaobo signed shareholder agreement on China-Mauritania Marine Industrial Park Projectwith China Road & Bridge Corporation, CCCC First Harbor Engineering Company LTD. and CCCC Industrial Investment Holding Co.Ltd., and signed a cooperation agreement on China-Egypt MankaiTextile Industry Park with Mankai Investment Co. Ltd. Signing cooperation agreements of these two project expand area of cooperation with countries along “The Belt and Road” route.
  Building 5, Liupanshan Road No. 396, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City
  宁公网安备64010402000891号    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-2    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-3
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